The note itself is not required to craft the dish.
The Mystic Skin Oil buff gained from tamed Liopleurodon will also significantly decrease the rate at which you consume oxygen, similarly to Lazarus Chowder, albeit for a much longer 6 hours.

Because of the limited need for underwater exploration and the existence of Lazarus Chowder and SCUBA Armor, Oxygen is not a widely sought after stat.Dizzy Spores in Aberration will eventually suffocate you before its debuff expires unless you have a high oxygen stat.Combine them together and you can stay underwater for about 440 seconds or just over seven minutes, with no levels into oxygen stat. Having swamp fever allows you to stay underwater for 106 seconds. Eating Lazarus Chowder will significantly decrease the rate at which you consume oxygen for 10 minutes. Lazarus Chowder allows you to stay underwater for approx 220 seconds.Because all aquatic creatures breathe water and terrestrial creatures make poor water mounts, this stat only has a practical use on a couple of amphibious creatures, such as Spinos.To configure the gain on a private server, you can change OxygenSwimSpeedStatMultiplier in the Server configuration. This creamy dish improves the bodys natural constitution. Patch v256 lowered the swim speed gain by 80%. The Lazarus Chowder is a food recipe that is crafted at the Cooking Pot. All swimming speed bonuses (from Oxygen and Movement Speed) are multiplied by the 2.5x swim speed effect of SCUBA Flippers.

Points spent on Oxygen also improve your swimming speed by roughly 1.2%. Cooking Lazarus Chowder in Ark Survival Evolved is going to be great for swimming, taming and resource harvesting underwater, especially before you can learn to craft scuba.